
  1. Duplicacy Tutorial
  2. Duplicacy Git

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  • Duplicate definition, a copy exactly like an original.
  • The idea of doubleness is at the core of duplicity. Duplicity comes from a Latin word meaning 'double' or 'twofold,' and its original meaning in English has to do with a kind of deception in which you intentionally hide your true feelings or intentions behind false words or actions.
  • Minimal data duplicacy or data redundancy. Easy retrieval of data using the Query Language. Reduced development time and maintainance need. With Cloud Datacenters, we now have Database Management Systems capable of storing almost infinite data.

Hello everyone, welcome to my website. Today we are going to review the new Duplicacy, a powerful backup tool for Windows. This review and tutorial is based on Duplicacy version 2.0.8. You may find the download link for Duplicacy 2.0.8 at the end of this post. On this article, I also want to show you how to backup using Duplicacy.

Duplicacy Features

Well, there are many features you can get. Duplicacy can backup files to local devices and also it can backup to the cloud storage. In short, here are some key features of Duplicacy

  • Support cloud storage
  • Client side encryption
  • Deduplication support
  • Lock free deduplication feature
  • Incremental backup

Duplicacy comes with a simple GUI and it should be suitable for everyone. It supports Windows 10 and also previous versions of Windows 7 and Windows 8. This software is built with new technology called Lock-Free Deduplication. This technology works by relying on the basic filesystem API to manage deduplicated chunks without using any locks.


Duplicacy 2.0.8 Screenshots

Here are some screenshots of Duplicacy 2.0.8 on Windows 10

duplicacy screenshot 1

Duplicacy Tutorial

Download Duplicacy

You can download the latest version of Duplicacy using the link we provided below.

[junkie-button url=”https://acrosync.com/duplicacy/duplicacy_installer_win64_2.0.9.exe” style=”light-blue” size=”small” type=”round” target=”_self”] Download Now [/junkie-button]

How to Backup using Duplicacy

Below, I am going to show you how to use Duplicacy to backup your data. I am using Windows 10 on this tutorial.

First open Duplicacy application. Then, browse the source directory you wish to backup.

Next, click the button next to Storage to configure the backup destination. There are many cloud storage supported by Duplicacy. But for now, I am going to put my backup on my Google Drive.

Select Google Drive and Click Next. Now we need to authorize Duplicacy with our Google Drive account. Click the link that says Click Here to download the access token file. It will bring up your default web browser as follow.

Click Download my credentials as gcd-token.json. Then you will need to login using your Google account and press Allow

Click Allow and then save the gcd-token.json file. Now select the token file you downloaded from the previous step.

Also provide the storage directory in Google Drive. Make sure that the directory is exist in GDrive. Press Next.

Provide a password if you want to protect the backup with password. Click Done to complete this step.

Configure the Backup Schedule

Now we are in the main window of Duplicacy again. We need to configure the backup schedule and some other settings.


You can specify the backup schedule and also how Duplicacy handles the snapshot. Click Start to start the backup process.

How to Restore files using Duplicacy

Now we have successfully created backup using Duplicacy and now we are going to show you how to restore it. Open Duplicacy and then click Restore tab. It will bring up the restore menu.

Select the repository ID and then press List revisions. If you have multiple revisions, they will appear in the revision box. Select the revision you want to restore and click List files to see the content. To restore a file or directory, specify the restore destination at the bottom of the Duplicacy window. Then, right click the file or folder you want to restore and click Restore.

You can select multiple files and directories as well.


Final Thought

Duplicacy is a simple cloud backup software that offers several cloud storage supports. It is very easy to use and pretty quick. Thanks for reading this tutorial How to backup using Duplicacy. Please consider share this article if you think its useful.

With an objective to provide a highly flexible type of education to the Secondary/ Senior Secondary Education level to the children belonging to rural areas, scheduled caste/ scheduled tribe, women etc., providing quality education through Open and Distance Learning System, to enable over-aged dropouts complete their schooling and in view of the need to accelerate the pace and progress of secondary education, especially in rural conglomeration, Rural Institute of Open Schooling (RIOS) has been established.

India has made progress in terms of increasing primary education attendance rate and expanding literacy to approximately three-fourths of the population. India's improved education system is often cited as one of the main contributors to the economic rise of India. However, India continues to face stern challenges. Despite growing investment in education, 25% of its population is still illiterate;only 15% of the students reach high school, and just 7% graduate. The situation at senior/ higher secondary education is still disheartening. The quality of education is significantly poor as compared with major developing nations. It is also not possible for the government alone to create infrastructure for the growing number of students at secondary and senior secondary level. With a mission to provide relevant continuing education at school stage, up to pre-degree it is, therefore, important to open school with public-private partnership. The organization has been carrying out some research work also over the last 3-4 years. With the aim and objective of enhancing and accelerating the enrolment/ retention at secondary and senior/ secondary level, ‘Rural Institute of Open Schooling ’(RIOS) was conceived and has been set up as an autonomous registered body under the Societies Registration Act, with its registered office at Delhi, to begin with, with the following objectives:

To provide secondary and senior secondary education those belonging to disadvantaged groups (e.g. the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally disadvantaged classes and other socially, culturally, economically, geographically sections of the society, or such other factors as may be specified/ notified by the appropriate Government) and people belonging to weaker sections who are not able to get secondary and senior secondary education in the normal course of life.

Duplicacy Git

To provide professional services to the government and other agencies in the field of education, in general, and school education, in particular, for the development and growth of distance and open school system and develop appropriate curriculum for vocational and continuing education to prepare student population for the world of work.