Adobe Audition 2020 Autotune

1. Antares Auto-tune crashes Audition with Windows 10

Adobe Audition 2020 Autotune

When I installed Antares Auto-Tune v8.1.1 plugin and did all necessary uploading and refreshing plugin base in Audition CC (v13.0.8.43), the auto-tune crashed the Adobe Audition.

  • Connecting to audio hardware in Audition; Customizing and saving application settings; Digital audio fundamentals. Understanding sound; Digitizing audio; Importing, recording, and playing. Multichannel audio workflow; Create, open, or import files in Adobe Audition; Importing with the Files panel; Extracting audio from CDs; Supported import formats.
  • Adobe Audition Cc 2020 v13.0.8.43 Full Version adalah salah satu aplikasi terbaik yang akan membantu anda untuk melakukan berbagai hal yang berhubungan dengan file audio dan juga rekaman. Aplikasi yang satu ini menawarkan berbagia macam fitur berkualitas.

Does Adobe Audition Have Autotune


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After some reading and searching for the solution, I found that I had to go to Audition’s installed folder and change combability to Windows 8.

Autotune Para Adobe Audition 2020

  1. So, you have to go:
    • Right-click on the Audition shortcut on your desktop,
    • Open file location,
    • Click Properties,
    • Click tab “Compatibility“,
    • Find Compatibility mode,
    • Thick the checkbox “Run this program in compatibility mode for:
    • Click on the drop menu below,
    • and chose Windows 8.
  2. Now run Adobe Audition and chose your precious Antares Auto-tune VST3 plugin under the effect menu options.

How To Add Autotune In Adobe Audition

Use it well – share the solution, or comment below.
Thanks for your read.
Nikola Taby