Microsoft Edge Is A Browser

Microsoft has been struggling to get people to use its Edge browser for years. Even though the company made Edge the default browser in Windows 10, users left in droves, most of them flocking to.

  • Not only do the other Microsoft Edge group policies enhance the browsing experience, but we must also talk about some of the most common or somewhat common browsing experiences. For example, printing web content is a common browsing experience. However, if you want to prevent users from printing web content, Microsoft Edge has a group policy that allows you to prevent printing.
  • Microsoft favors its services for the Microsoft Edge browser: Home Page: When you open a new tab or window, you see a page with stories from Microsoft News and a search box powered by Bing. Default Search Engine: When you enter search terms into the address bar, Microsoft Edge uses the Bing search engine.
Microsoft Edge Is A Browser

Microsoft Edge VS Chrome VS Firefox? It’s Google Chrome that is hands down the most popular web browser on the market. Firefox has been a long time strong rival for Windows users, and well, as of a few months, Microsoft Edge Chromium is now the potential better version of Chrome browser.

But is it actually better or just a nice copy? And how does Firefox fit in?

Edge Chromium & Firefox Doesn’t Come with Offline Google Docs

Not a big deal in the battle of Microsoft Edge VS Chrome VS Firefox?

…Not until you travel, at least.

When you do, the second you lose internet, on your Firefox and Edge Chromium, that’s it.

…Meanwhile Google Chrome does come with Google Docs Offline.

…But if you currently use the likes of Office 365 by Microsoft, then that’s probably not even something you care about.

Microsoft Edge VS Chrome VS Firefox as far as Speed?

In the past, Firefox was a much faster browser than Chrome. That later changed, and now Chrome is the slightly faster desktop browser.

…But Microsoft’s Edge Chromium browser is just a little bit faster.

For a simple reason.

Even though Chrome is a faster browser, it’s still a super power-hungry browser.

Edge, while still on the same engine as Chrome, offers a huge improvement over Chrome, as far as speed.

We are talking several hundred of MB of RAM used less when doing the same tasks on both.

If you do heavy work on your web browser and rock a ton of tabs, this will make a huge difference for you.

Although, if you read our guide on extensions, you will know there are ways to make Chrome even faster.

Extensions Matter

What makes Google Chrome the main choice for many, for many years has been extensions.

Extensions make the web browser more advanced and are a reason for why mobile browsers don’t compare. (Although, there are ways to rock Chrome extensions on Android devices.)

Since the new Microsoft Edge browser is now powered by Chromium, it supports Chrome extensions.

Microsoft Edge Is A BrowserEdge

And that means that all the extensions that people love Chrome for, can be used on Microsoft Edge.

…Whether you get them from the Chrome Store or the Chromium Store.

Microsoft Edge Is A Browser

Why Microsoft Edge Is Bad

What does that mean? It means that whether you use the Chrome Edge or Google Chrome, that you can now get extensions like MailTag which will allow you to know when and where your emails are opened when they are re-opened, and even what links in them are clicked on.

Microsoft Edge Is A Browser That Helps

➡️Add MailTag to your Chrome ⬅️

That also means that you can send automatic follow-ups if your emails are not opened, and that you can create email signatures that are super easy to switch between.

Firefox does, of course, also rock extensions, but the number of add-ons isn’t quite as impressive.

What Seperates the Chromes from the Firefoxes?

The UI, of course being super different, but apart from that, both do a great job at many things.

Microsoft Edge Is A Browser That Uses

They are both secure, (even though the Edge Chromium has much better privacy measures than Chrome), and both rock useful features, although, the Chrome browsers, naturally, are more optimized by other websites, since most of the internet uses Chrome.

Microsoft Edge VS Chrome VS Firefoxin 2020?

If you don’t need Google Docs Offline, Edge is a super compelling option that is faster and safer than Chrome.

Ultimately, making it the better copy of Chrome.

Meanwhile Firefox, while perhaps not as add-on free, is a fantastic browser for those looking to get away from that Chrome look.

But it doesn’t come with extensions like MailTag.

…Our call? Why not just have both?