Slack Irc

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Noisebridge conducts internal discussion and chat on our team on Slack. We use Slack as a glorified IRC, with multiple rooms to discuss different topics, often separated by working group, such as SecWG or CommunityWorkingGroup.

Disambiguation of this Slack from the Slackware Linux distribution's 'Slack'.

  • 1Multiplatform
    • 1.3Why slack? - replacement?
  • 2Digging in teh weeds

My company is looking to move from IRC to Slack without losing the ability to use IRC ( some in the company don't want to change, plus the software community uses IRC ). They killed the gateways, 3rd party clients might be next, and then you'd be stuck. From the beginning, Slack had purposefully set out to create an experience that felt different than traditional email or IRC. In particular, Slack’s lively, colorful aesthetic set the product apart from the drab, utilitarian interfaces of competing products by companies like Microsoft.



Slack is accessible to logged-in users via desktop and mobile apps and on the web, as well as via IRC or XMPP clients.

Who to invite?[edit]

Slack is for communication supporting Noisebridge the physical space. If you want to invite someone, they should satify the following:

  • 'Do you want to hang out with this person again?' and
  • 'Has this person been coming around for a little while?'.

How to get on[edit]

Unlike Noisebridge's IRC channel, Slack requires an invitation to join. It's recommended that you meet up with someone knowledgeable in the space and talk to them about Slack, or if all else fails, request an invitation on Noisebridge-discuss.

Why slack? - replacement?[edit]

Some are not comfortable with slack as it is (add!):

  • corporate entity
  • not free
  • archives and logs all messages and sends SMTP transcriptions by default to all users unless they otherwise select to disable that feature, which can be used in court. 'Both the California Evidence Code and the Federal Rules provide that admissions by a party opponent do not constitute hearsay. (See Cal. Evid. Code § 1220; Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2).).' This principle is *anti-thetical* to PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy) principles of robust secure communications methodologies and protocols.


  • free open software
  • stored messages
  • encrypted
  • realtime chat
  • api/extensible


  • rocket
  • irc (not used, missing archive feature; [UPDATE: archival is a 'mis-design' and bad for security, IRC can be logged as well read up on the /log feature in many popular clients, e.g. irssi.])
  • Mattermost
  • SILC (end to end encrypted, free and open source, distributed or [multiple servers can share messages between each other providing message coherency to users more robust than 'federated' services like Mastodon. Heavily audited and vetted by w00w00, Coverity, OpenBSD developers and more over the course of a decade+. PFS can be tuned to have arbitrarily slow or fast key rotations, messages from users are encrypted *from* the server eavesdropping as well, especially with use of private message signing.)
  • PSYC2 (end to end encrypted, distributed, free and open source, multiple client implementations, the lead developer is excellent, worth looking into more deeply)

Digging in teh weeds[edit]

URL Schemes[edit]

Unauthenticated profile image serving:

The last bit after the '-' is the image size requested, generally 48-512

Unauthenticated, non-domain restricted image proxy server:

Emoji sets:

Custom emoji:

[[User:|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) 18:10, 12 June 2017 (UTC)

Terms, etc.[edit]

Retrieved from ''

By @abs

If you spend your days in Slack, but at the same time need to stay on top of an important IRC channel, it can be challenging.

Mirroring a channel in your Slack team with a channel on IRC makes sense for a number of reasons:

  • Your entire Slack team can keep an eye on the IRC channel;
  • You don't have to deal with bouncers or tmux sessions—everything will be securely stored in Slack;
  • You can search;
  • You can easily access the IRC channel from your mobile phone, because Slack has functional mobile apps;
  • You can use the Sameroom hush command to mention your Slack teammates from the channel connected to IRC.

One caveat: Sameroom only works with IRC networks that support registered nicks. For more info see IRC Limitations.

Slack Irc

Slack irc


Slack Irc

  • Step 1: Add your IRC and Slack accounts to Sameroom;
  • Step 2: On the Open-A-Tube page, select your Slack channel for Side A and IRC channel for Side B.

Note: if the IRC channel has the +s flag set, you'll have to manually type the name of the channel:

Slack Irc Gateway Alternative

If you have any questions about Sameroom or connecting Slack to IRC, send us a tweet.