Stylecop Visual Studio


.NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn) Analyzers inspect your C# or Visual Basic code for style, quality, maintainability, design, and other issues. This inspection or analysis is done during design time in all open files.

Analyzers can be divided into the following groups:

For C# code files, Visual Studio 2019 has a Code Cleanup button at the bottom of the editor (keyboard: Ctrl + K, Ctrl + E) to apply code styles from an EditorConfig file or from the Code Style options page. If an.editorconfig file exists for the project, those are the settings that take precedence. StyleCop Analyzers is a way to maintain code consistency in your Asp.Net applications. Stylecop Analyzers is a tool provided by Microsoft. It is a way of aut. Go to extensions and updates and search for stylecop in the online area. Choose the one by Chris Dahlberg. Close VS and it will install. Open your project up and make sure you have a.

  • Code style analyzers are built in to Visual Studio. The diagnostic ID, or code, for these analyzers is of the format IDExxxx, for example, IDE0067. You can configure preferences in the text editor options page or in an EditorConfig file. Starting in .NET 5.0, code style analyzers are included with the .NET SDK and can be strictly enforced as build warnings or errors. For more information, see here.

  • Code quality analyzers are now included with the .NET 5 SDK and enabled by default. The diagnostic ID, or code, for these analyzers is of the format CAxxxx, for example, CA1822. For more information, see Overview of .NET code quality analysis.

  • Third party analyzers can be installed as a NuGet package or a Visual Studio extension. Third party analyzers, such as StyleCop, Roslynator, XUnit Analyzers, and Sonar Analyzer.

Severity levels of analyzers

Each analyzer has one of the following severity levels:

Severity (Solution Explorer)Severity (EditorConfig file)Build-time behaviorEditor behavior
ErrorerrorViolations appear as Errors in the Error List and in command-line build output, and cause builds to fail.Offending code is underlined with a red squiggle and marked by a small red box in the scroll bar.
WarningwarningViolations appear as Warnings in the Error List and in command-line build output, but do not cause builds to fail.Offending code is underlined with a green squiggle and marked by a small green box in the scroll bar.
InfosuggestionViolations appear as Messages in the Error List, and not at all in command-line build output.Offending code is underlined with a gray squiggle and marked by a small gray box in the scroll bar.
HiddensilentNon-visible to user.Non-visible to user. The diagnostic is reported to the IDE diagnostic engine, however.
NonenoneSuppressed completely.Suppressed completely.
DefaultdefaultCorresponds to the default severity of the rule. To determine what the default value for a rule is, look in the Properties window.Corresponds to the default severity of the rule.

If rule violations are found by an analyzer, they're reported in the code editor (as a squiggle under the offending code) and in the Error List window.

The analyzer violations reported in the error list match the severity level setting of the rule. Analyzer violations also show up in the code editor as squiggles under the offending code. The following image shows three violations—one error (red squiggle), one warning (green squiggle), and one suggestion (three grey dots):

StyleCop extension for Visual Studio 5.0.6419.0-rc1. This is a prerelease version of StyleCop extension for Visual Studio. StyleCop analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules. This extension allows analysis to be performed on any project opened in Visual Studio without modifying the project.

Many analyzer rules, or diagnostics, have one or more associated code fixes that you can apply to correct the rule violation. Code fixes are shown in the light bulb icon menu along with other types of Quick Actions. For information about these code fixes, see Common Quick Actions.

Configure analyzer severity levels

You can configure the severity of analyzer rules, or diagnostics, in an EditorConfig file or from the light bulb menu.

Analyzers can also be configured to inspect code at build time and live as you type. You can configure the scope of live code analysis to execute for the current document only, all open documents, or the entire solution. See How to: Configure the scope of live code analysis.


Build-time errors and warnings from code analyzers are shown only if the analyzers are installed as a NuGet package. The built-in analyzers (for example, IDE0067 and IDE0068) never run during build.

Stylecop Visual Studio 2017 Install

NuGet package versus VSIX extension

Third party analyzers can be installed per-project via a NuGet package. Some are also available as a Visual Studio extension, in which case they apply to any solution you open in Visual Studio. There are some key behavior differences between these two methods of installing analyzers.


If you install analyzers as a Visual Studio extension, they apply at the solution level and to all instances of Visual Studio. If you install the analyzers as a NuGet package, which is the preferred method, they apply only to the project where the NuGet package was installed. In team environments, analyzers installed as NuGet packages are in scope for all developers that work on that project.

Build errors

Stylecop Visual Studio

To have rules enforced at build time, including through the command line or as part of a continuous integration (CI) build you can choose from one of the following options:

  • Create a .NET 5.0 project which includes analyzers by default in the .NET SDK. Code analysis is enabled, by default, for projects that target .NET 5.0 or later. You can enable code analysis on projects that target earlier .NET versions by setting the EnableNETAnalyzers property to true.

  • Install analyzers as a NuGet package. Analyzer warnings and errors don't show up in the build report if you install the analyzers as an extension.

The following image shows the command-line build output from building a project that contains an analyzer rule violation:

Rule severity

Stylecop Visual Studio 2017 Settings

You cannot configure the severity of rules from analyzers that were installed as a Visual Studio extension. To configure rule severity, install the analyzers as a NuGet package.

Next steps

See also